Brunei Darussalam
The Competition Commission of Brunei Darussalam

Executive Secretariat
Competition Commission Brunei Darussalam,
Level 5, Ministry of Finance and Economy Building,
Commonwealth Drive,
Bandar Seri Begawan, BB3910,
Negara Brunei Darussalam

The Brunei Competition Act Chapter 253, was gazetted in 2015 with the objectives to promote market efficiency and consumer welfare, towards economic development in Brunei Darussalam.
On 1 August 2017, the Competition Commission of Brunei Darussalam (CCBD) was established as an independent body that is mandated to promote business competition in Brunei economic landscape through the enforcement of the Competition Act. In line with the objectives of the Act, the Competition Commission is expected to oversee competition matters in the country by performing the duties entrusted under the Act. This includes adjudicating work on anti-competitive cases and imposing penalties on companies found to infringe the Competition Act.
The CCBD consists of the Board of Commissioners and its Executive Secretariat, which serves as its investigative and administrative arms and also responsible for carrying out the CCBD's functions such as advocacy, receiving complaints and conducting market reviews.
The Competition Act will be enforced in phases starting with the prohibition of anti-competitive agreements and practices. This phased approach serves to give relevant stakeholders sufficient time to prepare for the orderly enforcement of this Act.