Trade Competition Commission of Thailand

5th Floor, Car Parking 5th Floor Building (BC),
The Government Complex
120 Chaeng Wattana Road, Thungsong-hong,
Laksi, Bangkok 10210

Thailand is one of the first countries in ASEAN to have passed a competition. The Trade Competition Act B.E. 2560 covers both anti-competitive practices (agreements, abuse of dominant position and mergers) and some forms of restrictive/unfair trade commercial practices. It is of general application and does not make any distinction between corporations and individuals. The Act is supplemented by the following implementing rules:
- Notice on dominant business operators;
- Guidelines on unfair trade practices in the wholesale/retail business.
The Trade Competition Commission of Thailand (TCCT) is the responsible authority for the enforcement of the competition law in all sectors, in coordination with sector regulators. Our missions are to
- regulate and ensure free and fair trade competition in accordance with international best practices
- develop the mechanisms and tools in regulating trade competition to ensure compliance with international strandards
- develop national and international cooperation on trade competition
- enhance participation in promoting fair rade competition
The Act is currently being reviewed in order to strengthen the enforcement of the competition law in Thailand. The proposed amendment is set to adjust the scope of the Act so as to apply to state-owned enterprises, as well as review criteria for market domination and merger thresholds.