Malaysia Competition Commission

Level 15, Menara SSM @Sentral,
7 Jalan Stesen Sentral 5,
Kuala Lumpur Sentral,
50623 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA

The Malaysia Competition Commission (MyCC) is an independent body established under the Competition Commission Act 2010 to enforce the Competition Act 2010. Its main role is to protect the competitive process for the benefit of businesses, consumers and the economy.
The Competition Commission Act 2010 empowers the Malaysia Competition Commission (MyCC) to carry out functions such as implement and enforce the provisions of the Competition Act 2010, issue guidelines in relation to the implementation and enforcement of the competition laws, act as advocate for competition matters; carry out general studies in relation to issues connected with competition in the Malaysian economy or particular sectors of the Malaysian economy; inform and educate the public regarding the ways in which competition may benefit consumers in, and the economy of, Malaysia.
News, Malaysia30/10/2024KUALA LUMPUR, 10 SEPTEMBER - The Malaysia Competition Commission (MyCC), an agency under the.
News, Malaysia30/10/2024KUALA LUMPUR, 5 SEPTEMBER – The Malaysia Competition Commission (MyCC), an agency under the.
News, Malaysia30/09/2024KUALA LUMPUR, 30 SEPTEMBER - The Malaysia Competition Commission (MyCC), an agency under the.
News, Malaysia12/09/2024KUALA LUMPUR, 12 SEPTEMBER – The Shah Alam High Court on 11 September 2024 has dismissed the.
News, Malaysia24/07/2024KUALA LUMPUR, 24 JULY - The Malaysia Competition Commission (MyCC) marked another significant.
Cases, Malaysia, Abuse of Dominance05 July 2022
KUALA LUMPUR, 5 JULY 2022 – Today, the Malaysia Competition Commission (MyCC) imposed a financial penalty amounting to RM1,548,192.35 against eight (8)...
MyCC Issues Infringement Decision against five Ro-Ro Operators for engaging in a price-fixing cartelCases, Malaysia, Anticompetitive Agreeement04 January 2022
Three major Langkawi Ro-Ro operators have been fined by the Malaysia Competition Commission (“MyCC”) for forming a price fixing cartel in relation...
Cases, Malaysia, Anticompetitive Agreeement09 August 2021
The Malaysia Competition Commission (MyCC) imposes financial penalties ranging from RM26,363.03 to as high as RM336,369.13 against seven (7) warehouse...
Cases, Malaysia, Abuse of Dominance26 February 2021
The Malaysia Competition Commission ("MyCC") has issued a final Decision against Dagang Net Technologies Sdn Bhd (Dagang Net) for abusing its dominant position...
Cases, Malaysia, Anticompetitive Agreeement25 September 2020
The Malaysia Competition Commission (“MyCC”) has issued a final decision against the General Insurance Association of Malaysia (“PIAM”)...
2017, Legislation, MalaysiaCompetition Act 2010 (Act 712) Competition Commission Act 2010 (Act 713) Akta.
2017, Legislation, MalaysiaGazette No. P.U. (A) 191/2017: Competition (Block Exemption for Vessel Sharing Agreements.