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PCC leads plenary session on market studies at ICN 2024

11 June 2024
News Philippines

29 May 2024

PCC leads plenary session on market studies at ICN 2024

The Philippine Competition Commission (PCC) led a plenary session on the role of market studies in emerging markets at the International Competition Network (ICN) Annual Conference in Sauípe, Brazil on May 16, 2024.

PCC Executive Director Kenneth V. Tanate moderated the panel titled “Conducting Market Studies to Understand Competition in Emerging Markets”.

“Given the advancement in technology within emerging markets, competition authorities and sector regulators are facing challenges on how to enforce the law or develop regulations. Thus, it is paramount to have a good understanding of these markets,” he said.

During the session, Tanate shared that the Advocacy Working Group (AWG) is working on the following projects:

   • Assessing Progress in the Development of Successful Advocacy Strategies to the Judiciary
   • Evaluating the Effectiveness of Advocacy Initiatives
   • Interactions between Sector Regulators and Competition Authorities

Tanate was joined by Saverio Valentino, Commissioner of Italian Competition Authority (AGCM); Ravneet Kaur, Chairperson of Competition Commission of India (CCI); Sungsam Kim, Commissioner of Korea Fair Trade Commission (KFTC); and Lucia Ojeda, Non-governmental Advisor of COFECE Mexico.

The speakers shared their insights and experiences on the identification and scoping of studies in emerging markets, methodology and practical approaches, and application of results and engagement of stakeholders.

In its role as co-chair of the ICN Advocacy Working Group, the PCC took an active part in organizing the breakout sessions on “Making Labor Markets Work Better” and “Navigating Economic Turbulence: The Role of Competition Authorities in Macroeconomic Stabilization and Growth”.

Aside from Tanate, Office of the Commission Clerk and Sheriff Director Sheryl Fortune V. Supapo-Sandigan and Capacity Building and Advocacy Division Chief Inah Geneve T. Mangilin also represented the PCC at the event.

The 23rd ICN Annual Conference took place from May 14-17 and drew participation from over 100 competition agencies worldwide.


PCC Public Affairs and Research Division