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Assistance to Thailand under the Competition Law Implementation Program (CLIP) ACCC Expert visit to Thailand (15-18 March 2016)

21 March 2016
News Thailand

Bangkok, Thailand - 15-18 March 2016 – As part of an initiative called the Competition Law Implementation Program (CLIP), two experts from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) visited Thailand to share with the Office of Trade Competition Commission (OTCC) some of Australia’s experience and practices in competition law. Mr. David Jones from the ACCC’s Merger and Authorization Review Division and Mr. Tim Scott from its Enforcement Division, presented their experience and practices through a series of workshops on market definition, market dominance, mergers, enforcement, and capacity building, which led to lively discussions and offered interesting and valuable perspectives on competition law.

The OTCC and the ACCC will discuss the next step and further plans for the CLIP programme, which will contribute to Thailand’s commitment to discussing and examining international best practices.