Research Collaboration Opportunities

  • 44th Conference of the Federation of ASEAN Economic Associations (FAEA)

    The Economic Society of Singapore (ESS) cordially invites all practitioners, policymakers, and academicians to participate in the 44th Conference of the Federation of ASEAN Economic Associations (FAEA) to be held in Singapore from 29th to 30th November 2019. Papers on antitrust/competition policy are welcome.



    Theme: The New ASEAN Economy
    In an age of technological disruption and geopolitical uncertainty, the new ASEAN Economy faces a new set of challenges and opportunities. There will be changes in the way in which consumers make decisions, the operations of firms and how policies are being implemented in the region. With this in mind, this conference seeks to bring together recent contributions in understanding the new ASEAN Economy.

    The Organizing Committee of the 44th Conference of the FAEA, with the support of all the FAEA members, invites papers on all theoretical, empirical and policy topics related to the main conference themes of the new ASEAN Economy including (but not limited to) the following sub-topics:

    • Antitrust/competition policy
    • Agricultural Economics
    • Banking and Financial Markets
    • Behavioral and Experimental Economics
    • Competition and Innovation Frameworks and Incentives
    • Econometric Models and Applications
    • Economic History and Economic Thought
    • Economics of Policy and Governance
    • Economics of Social Issues
    • Economics of Technology
    • Emerging Economies and Economic Transitions
    • Energy Economics and Energy Policy
    • Environmental Economics
    • Fintech
    • Household Finance
    • International Trade
    • Market Based Incentives and Trading Schemes
    • Monetary Policy
    • Natural Resource Economics
    • Population, Demography and Fertility
    • Public Finance, Taxation, and Fiscal Policy
    • Public Health Economics and Infrastructure Planning
    • Public Economics and Public Policy
    • Role and Impact of China, India and other Emerging Economies
    • Sustainable Development
    • Sustainable Investing
    • Transport Economics
    • Transportation Planning and Policy
    • Urban Economics and Challenges of Urbanization


    Guidelines for Abstracts and Papers
    Please include in the first page of your submission your paper title, authors’ names and affiliations, contact information including email address for the corresponding author, and an abstract of preferably 250 words or less.


    Important Dates
    Submission of drafts and abstracts: 31st August 2019
    Decision on acceptance of papers: 10th September 2019
    Submission of final draft: 17th October 2019


    Important Details
    Please submit abstracts and papers by email to: . Correspondences and inquiries may be directed to the ESS Secretariat, Ms. Vivian Tan, at with postal address Economic Society Singapore, c/o Department of Economics, National University of Singapore, Singapore 117570. Tel Nos. (65) 67732913 and (65) 67752646 (fax).


    Conference Fees
    Regular: $300 Singapore Dollars

    · Inclusive of all refreshments and meals during conference including welcome dinner and social events
    · Waived for 2 paper presenters and 2 Official Delegates of Members Association/Society)

    Students / Reduced: $125 Singapore Dollars
    · Does not include conference dinners and social event


    Please refer to the conference website for additional information and further updates:

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